Saturday, August 30, 2014

How to Stop Wetting The Bed Now

Okay, this is my first blog. I am going to be giving a lot of secrets of the trade so to speak, as I have been a victim of this addiction for 25 years. Hold old am I? 25. I have dealt with this for my whole life, most people who do not have this problem wouldn't understand. And I wouldn't want to talk to them about it anyway. But after identifying the secret cure, I no longer feel embarrassed, so I have decided to come out of the so-called bedwetting closet. It worked yesterday, and it will work today...hopefully.

A brief warning: emulation of what I do may lead to dehydration and possible death. Proceed at your own risk.

The first thing to know is to how to drink and when to drink. In the morning, chug. In the afternoon drink. At night, I sip.

There are times where one will need a lot of water, say half a gallon, say after heavy cardio. Other times the amount of intake might be less due to eating watermelon in the morning for example. One must listen to the body. It is called homeostasis. The body will be thirsty is not enough water is consumed. One will be overhydrated when all we do is urinate and wet the bed.

This is where the conspiracy theory comes in. Who is telling us we need eight cups of water every day? I'm not naming any names because frankly I have not done the research and personally. I don't care.

The amount of water we need varies every day, every hour, every minute. Try to listen to your body.

Plus, while  the process of bedwetting is quite warm, and pleasurable to the subconscious (the unconscious is usually dream), we all know the aftermath is terrible. Sweet dreams. Wake up  dry if you can.

8/30/2014: Dry

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